Enervit Pre Sport Carboloader - 1 x 45 grams

Price €2,49 1 - 5 days depending on country EUR 2.49
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Enervit Pre-Sport is a carbohydrate-rich energy food that should be eaten before intense and prolonged physical exercise. Pre Sport is fat free - isomaltulose makes up 30% of the product’s total sugar content. Eating foods containing isomaltulose instead of other sugars raises blood glucose levels less compared to other foods containing sugar.

Solid food with these characteristics (and that can be eaten before sports activities) is now available for the first time.



  • If the time between a meal and the next sports activity session is a few hours, eat 1 Enervit Pre Sport from 1 hour to 30 minutes before starting to exercise.

Endurance sports

  • The recommended dose is 2/3 Enervit Pre Sport in the 2-hour interval before the competition or the long training session.
  • If eaten at breakfast, Pre Sport turns the last meal before a race into an excellent solution to provide the right carbohydrate load.

2 Enervit Pre Sport (orange flavour) 2 hours before exercising
1 Enervit Pre Sport (cola taste with caffeine): up to 30 minutes before exercising

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